Jamie Foxx, Forest, Jake, Samuel L & Ron Howard

I know this is not par for the course on this blog, but I’m a whimsical guy. Honestly, I rarely find enjoyment in a lot of current music, but when I come across “Blame It” by Jamie Foxx featuring T-Pain (who is a pop genius, by the way) I always turn it up.

Anyway, I found this video on the Sneakers:Suits blog as I was excited those brothers were back at it. They’re young and not as affected in the mind like myself. You will find far more music on a page like theirs, but I am digressing…

The title is only to lure you into the fact that the five most random dudes are in the video for this club song. I have no clue if they are doing a movie together; I have not done a lick of research. Maybe you can clear this situation up (Ron Howard, really?). Seriously, I think they purposely made him look as disheveled as possible; even though, he’s the richest guy in the room. AWESOME.

Anyway, you can enjoy this like I did or just be crabby because it’s a radio song. Either way, Ron Howard is STILL the man.

Seriously though, vet this situation. I’ll find something to send you for free. Jamix Foxx, Forest Whitaker, Jake Gyllenhaal, Samuel L. Jackson and Ron Howard… FTW.