All I can is… Wow.

I have to admit that I have been cynical about Obama running for president since he first said he was running. I didn’t think that he would really make any strides. Boy, was I wrong!

I am proud of what he achieved. I will admit that the stars were definitely aligned perfectly though. The man couldn’t have been dealt a better hand. The Onion has already joked about it within moments of the announcement that Barack won. But please don’t see this as a poo-poo parade, no. I am definitely happy for Obama and his devout supporters.
I personally love what he represents superficially. I am not sure he can get the results this country needs, but I have this deep-seeded hope that just the sight of him will make the D.C. politicians fix up and provide some positive, but sensible legislation.

I know conservatives are hurling all over the place at the Democrat stronghold now. I cannot say I don’t feel your pain. At the same time, I don’t this majority will mean much. That’s the cynic in me. I think our country is in enough trouble that they’ll be spending the next four years trying to make repairs, instead of initiating Russia, Jr. I would rather see a balance in Congress, but hey… this is a democratic nation that believes it has two choices and they are pretty much and the same come election time.

Again, congratulations to Obama. He is officially one of my heroes. I strive to build a brand as inspiring as his is. I mean, how else would we have this?